Monday, September 20, 2010

1 Down - 73 More Days to go

3:45 a.m. comes early... especially on a day that you didn't want to actually come. 

This morning we (Jon's parents and I) woke up at that insane hour to assist my wonderful husband in getting to MEPS for his deployment to Basic Combat Training. After he bussed off for a long day of poking and prodding, we successfully navigated a much needed Starbucks run and I unsuccessfully attempted a nap (not in that order).  Then we decided to head to MEPS, and I'm glad we went when we did. Despite us having a completely nebulous schedule, the timing was perfect. We arrived just as Jon was completing final processing. Which means that we got to spend every second of the 45 minutes he had available for down time with him. After that, we gathered in a tiny, very official looking room and witnessed him swearing in to the United States Army. I have to admit to some water works, but I am so proud of my soldier. 

Now you can see G.I. Jon too, complete with swearing in action!

Better quality here on flickr:

After that we had just a little bit of time for photos and cuddles because he had to leave in a hurry. But as he happened to pass me in the hall on our way out, I fished a quick kiss, and that was all she wrote for 10 weeks.

He did check in with me throughout the day on various lay overs, and the last I heard from him was at about 7:30. He was safe and sound in the St. Louis Airport checking out his very first USO :). We ended the call as he was about to board the bus to Ft. Leonard Wood with the other recruits. I suspect that I won't hear from him for a while, but I'll definitely update here when I have anything to report.

If you'd like to send a note to him, send me an email and I'll print it and include it in my next letter. I'm sure he'd love to hear from every one.

On the docket tomorrow for me is to start putting everything that I've ignored in the last two weeks back on my radar, do piles of dishes and laundry, make apologies for ignoring people, and actually pay the bills that have been piling up while I existed in lovey dovey laa-laa land.

Over all though, if you need to find me I'll probably be at the gym trying to catch up to Jon (hah!), or at home furiously writing letters to my displaced love while listening to depressing romantic music ;).

Love you guys!

PS: A few pics from the last week...

Jon trying on a hat at the Halloween store in the mall. Too bad he won't be here for Halloween, we could have bought that and he could have gone as the blue soldier from TF2 with a little spray paint.

We went to see the horrible new M. Night Shyamalan movie, "Devil". (Don't waste your money, it's completely predictable. I mean, even just the name should have been a clue right there. Ugh.. okay, stopping now. Sorry, rant...)

Jonathan at parade rest before the swearing in ceremony

After swearing in - officially a member of the US Department of Defense

Jon and his father in the lounge during our little time with him today

Saturday night Jon's parents took us to Max's Wine Dive to eat. It was delish! :) This was before in Mom and Dad's hotel room.

My adorable sweetie at the Water Wall in the Galleria Area in Houston Saturday evening.

Here we are in the MEPS lounge



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