So, today is my last day as a civilian. Other than that I want to spent as much time as humanly possible in the company of my fantastically loving wife, I don't know what to say.
I hope I've made the right decision for us.
I hope I'm home soon.
I know this will be an adventure worth sharing.
I'm sure you will find your career rewarding! It is a challenge to a relationship but absence does actually make the heart grow fonder. You guys get to go through stuff that you usually only see in romance movies - writing mushy love notes that you will keep for your grandkids to read down the road, and the kind of reuniting that makes you feel all the intensity of your love the second you see one another. The bad stuff does suck, but sometimes I'm super glad to be married to a solider because I know how strong we are! Good luck to you two!
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