Jon called me today for just a couple of seconds to tell me that he's in regular basic now, he's safe, he loves me, and he's gotta go. ;)
Now comes the week from hell for him. He's going into the Red Phase of his training.This is what the Fort Leonard Wood Website says about this week:
Red phase encompasses weeks 1-3 of initial entry training.It is an environment of total control, where active, involved, and positive leaders begin transforming volunteers into Soldiers. Training during this phase focuses on immersing the Soldiers in the Army's core values, traditions, and ethics. During this phase, basic combat skills are developed along with teamwork, and physical fitness training.
Lets see, from that little blurb I get that he'll be doing copious amounts of PT while yelling the Soldier's Creed, getting in trouble for his unit member's actions, and told when to eat, drink, pee, sleep, and breathe. This is where they break the soldier down to build him back up again. It's necessary, but I still don't have to like it.
I cannot wait to get his address so that I can give him a little beacon to follow through the darkness. <3
Well, we all knew this was coming and Jon wants them to prepare him. As a mother, and Brie, as his wife, understand, but that doesn't make it easy. Praying longer and more often, Mom Pampell.
It's amazing how one little phone call can bring so much joy! I'm glad you've heard from him!
Alex wants you to know that "contrary to popular belief they are not there to break people, but to get people to push to their limits and then teach them they can go beyond those limits." I don't know if that is helpful but one thing that he always said is that it is easier to do basic when you are older and have a little more life experience. When kids fresh out of high school go in they are "broken in" more because, well, lets face it - high school kids aren't exactly well molded. But I'm sure Jon is already a man that understands discipline and doing what you gotta do to get to the next thing you gotta do. I'm sure he will be very glad to be done with it when it's over though! And your letters will definitely provide him some light in the dark!
I'm sorry if the terminology is incorrect... but I do know that you're set up to fail and you learn to rely on your unit members. You fail and succeed as a team...
oh ya, for sure! I wasn't referring to that. I was referring to the idea that the drill instructors are there to pick on each and every person until they make them cry or give up hope ("break"). But ya, that team mentality is definitely there, the whole "you're only as strong as your weakest link." I hope he has a decent group.
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