Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Week Everyone Warned Me About

So, this is the week that everyone warned me about when we started this Army journey. It's the week where nothing has gone right and I've had to face it almost all alone. Let me explain:

Started out the week leaving my dome light in my car on twice.
Then I left the garage door open all night, twice.
Then I left my dog in my bedroom all day while I was at work with no food or water.
Then I left my flat iron on half the day.
Months ago, I never changed my address on my voters registration, so voting day was full of me driving around figuring out where I belonged.
I have not heard a peep from Jon since Sunday, though he said he was putting a letter to me in the mailbox on Sunday night. (I usually get letters in two days from the post mark.)
The garbage disposal broke and no longer turns on.
I broke glass into said disposal.
Tonight, I left my headlights on while I went into the grocery store and came back to a dead car. (Thank goodness for a terrific brother in law who saved the day. It woulda been a long, cold, walk home.)
I found out that I will not be able to join Jon in Arizona.
I've been having some issues at work. :(
My right knee feels like it needs to be babied. I'm a little worried about it breaking down on me.  If I can't go to the gym, I don't know what I'll do. It's currently my surrogate Jon I suppose.
My house is a disaster.
Did I mention that I haven't heard anything from Jon all week? I'm a bit worried about that actually. I hope that it doesn't mean that they've gotten in trouble and won't be able to call this weekend.

I think I would like to go crawl in a hole now. Call me in 28 days.


Jessica said...

Sorry to hear you are having such a royally crappy week. You will get through it and it will get better. If you can, treat yourself to a weekend of relaxation and unwinding - rent yourself some girly movies and cuddle up with your doggies. You've made it this far already!

(That really sucks about Arizona, is there nothing else that can be done to get you there?)

Unknown said...

Yep, one of those stressful weeks. Isn't it funny how you can be in a crowded room and still feel alone; or have all the help in the world when dealing with those everyday annoyances, but still feel isolated? That's how I feel about my husband too. Thankful I have him with me.

25 days until we leave for MO; 26 days until family day; and 27 days until graduation. Pray for strength, for both yourself and for him.

Brie said...

I do have one of the most supportive families a girl could ever ever ask for. ;) I'm SO thankful to have you guys. <3 Just most of this stuff has to do with my mental... issues. It's just me and my badly wired head.

Brie said...

And friends, I have incredibly supportive friends too. Thanks Jessi! <3

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