Thursday, November 18, 2010

We're almost there!

This week has been a pretty big week for our soldier. I was able to speak to him on Saturday and he told me that this week he's got his final PT test (it was Tuesday). He was pretty confident that he'd do ok. He did a pre-test and he's actually better than AIT standards. :) He was still a little nervous though because it's his last big obstacle.

He also said that he has the Warrior Stakes this week. Here's an excerpt from an article about it from an earlier cycle in the Fort Leonard Wood Guidon:

"'The Soldiers did a PT test, with 10 minutes of pushups, sit-ups and then a 2-mile run,' Turner said. 'One Soldier did the event at a time and did their max number of pushups and sit-ups, then they started counting for the second one to do it. I think one squad did 658 push-ups total.'

Other events included the confidence course, a number of first aid tasks, weapons proficiency, communication proficiency, land navigation, a stress shoot in the electronic skills trainer, along with squad movements."

You can read more here:

Also, this weekend he told me that he's one of few in his platoon that are qualified to receive a promotion at the end of BCT. They promote one person from each unit that excels, and he could just be that guy. We'll have to wait and see.

Last week he was measured for his Dress Blues. :) He said that they recently changed them and he's one of the first cycles that is issued the new ones. I CANNOT WAIT to see him in that uniform! :)

He also did his night maneuvers last week. He said he couldn't see anything in the night vision goggles, but the DS didn't really seem to care. He tried his best though. :)

Also, today I got the charge in the bank, He is officially coming home for Christmas. I have no clue of his schedule, but gosh darn it he has his tickets! :)

Hopefully I'll know soon. 13 more days until I get to breathe the same air as the love of my life! :)


Jessica said...

Sounds so great, I'm so glad you'll have time together for Christmas! And just wait till you see him in his uniform. I still swoon every time Alex puts on his blues... aw heck I think he looks good in his campad too lol. I guess it's a good military wife's thing to think her man looks good in uniform ;)

Unknown said...

Kill the fatted calf. Our man is coming home!

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